In this topic you will learn how to identify signs of stress in your life and how to develop coping skills to effectively manage stress..

- How can I identify the stressors in my personal and professional life?
- How does stress affect my health?
- How does stress influence my professional performance?
- How can I manage stress for optimal interaction and performance?

This topic is for current and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to applu the principles of emotional intelligence to manage stress. Learn to identify stressors and implement strategies to effectively deal with those stressors.
- Do you want to know how stress affects you?
- Do you want to be able to identify stressors in your life?
- Do you want to understand if stress is good or bad for you?
- Do you want to know how stress affects your body and health?
- Do you want to know what job burnout is?
- Do you want insight into how you can manage stress?
- Do you want to become proficient in managing the personal power grid?
- Do you want to learn how to implement the principles of emotional intelligence in your life to bring about positive change?
- Do you want to enhance your personal development while striving towards personal mastery?
- Do you want to embrace life-long learning and work towards recognised qualifications?
Then this topic on How to manage stress more effectively is for you!

This is an online course with learning material and assignments. The duration is based on your own pace and motivation.
This time commitment includes working through online content, completing assessments, reflection activities and any additional reading and enrichment activities to translate the content into your current situation.

Hester Verwey
Hester Verwey is an avid and passionate facilitator of wholeness, Emotional Intelligence, intra-personal and inter-personal change.
Hester has established herself in the field of Organisational Learning and Leadership through the development and facilitation of a variety of different leadership, team development, mentorship and personal development programmes and interventions for different industries.
She specialises in the facilitation of holistic, creative and fun-filled team and personal mastery interventions. In My E- Learning, Hester is the developer of the EQ module and Leadership modules of the My E-learning programme and will provide guidance on this subject as a mentor and a coach. As registered executive leadership coach, Hester has been involved with executive coaching and mentorship for leaders and managers, professional persons and executive role players in large corporates and small companies.
Her registrations in the SAQA, SETA, and Higher Education and Training area include that of facilitator, assessor and moderator with SETA’s including Services Seta, ETDP Seta and Boodbev Seta, for a variety of management, leadership, business development and trainer development qualifications.
Hester was the founding member, in more than one small business, one of them is SIMS Khula Training, an accredited Skills Development and Organisational Development small business. Hester also acted as consulting director and co-owner of SIMS Khula Training.
Her exposure to entrepreneurship and the phases of small business development and growth, as well as the challenges that entrepreneurs face is thus based on personal experience. She retired from the board and leadership of SIMS Khulla in July 2019 after 15 years to avail her more time for her own consulting business; travel nationally and internationally, and spend time with her family.
Hester previously also owned her own pre-school for eight years, and also served as a senior manager in the Local Government sector. She also acted as director of a small non-profit organisation and is currently also a director in Domo Domini, an accommodation and consulting small business.

Every course consists of a series of topics that aim to solve problems you could be facing in your business as an entrepreneur. Each topic contains a number of lessons, each with a variety of activities and resources designed to aid your learning process.
- Work through the content in each lesson
- Take time to complete the progress quizzes to check your understanding
- Explore any additional resources to gain access to valuable sources
- Take time to reflect how you will apply the knowledge in your own business

Basic Requirements
Please make sure that you are using a Browser or portable device that supports HTML5.
Browser Requirements Moodle is compatible with any standards compliant web browser. We regularly test Moodle with the following browsers:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Safari
- Edge
- Internet Explorer
- MobileSafari
- Google Chrome
For the best experience and optimum security, we recommend that you keep your browser up to date. Please use the following link to make sure your browser is up to date:
Note: Legacy browsers with known compatibility issues with Moodle 3.5:
- Internet Explorer 10 and below
- Safari 7 and below

You will be awarded a badge for every topic you complete with MyElearning so that you can build up your online learning profile.
Additional Accreditation Options:
The completion of all the relevant topics in this course will provide a delegate with supporting evidence to earn credits towards a different accredited course or skills programmes, such as Business Management, Business Advisory Services and or New Venture Creation on NQF Level 4 and NQF Level 5.
If you are interested to earn credits after completing the programme, you are more than welcome to contact any of the accredited training providers.
- You will need to complete all the topics of this course to qualify for accreditation. The completion of the assignments linked to each topic can provide some of the required evidence.
- You will need to register as a learner on the programme through an accredited training provider.
- An Accredited Provider can guide you on the appropriate qualification and the process that you should follow to earn credits that will be relevant for your career path. You will also receive guidance on compiling your portfolio of evidence.
- The Provider can provide you with the appropriate assessment tools that you will have to complete, in order to be found competent on the credits.
- It will be your responsibility to pay for the additional costs of the provider and the assessments and NLRD (National Learners Records Database) uploads.
Please refer to the topic ‘How do I get an official qualification from this course’ for more detail.
If you require the accompanying certification, we can assist you in obtaining this through the development and assessment of a portfolio of evidence. Take note of the following:
● You need to complete all the topics of this course to qualify
● You need to complete the portfolio of evidence topic with our assistance
● You need to register as a ???
● You need to cover the additional cost of the certification process

It is often said that you get what you pay for. Our UNIQUE product options and personalised support ensures that you get VALUE for your money, and more.
We will assist you in identifying the gaps that exist
within your professional and personal spheres of life.
We will make learning product recommendations
based on your unique analysis.
We will provide you with solutions-based learning material
for each topic you sign up for.
We will provide you with options for additional support
along your learning journey. This can include online coaching, options for official certifications through SAQA endorsed courses or contact us to discuss your personalized development journey. Send an e-mail to