Sale!This topic explores the importance of financial literacy. It is the first step to prosperity. It also assesses your mindset towards finances to ensure your financial thinking is rational.
Sale!This topic explores why nurturing a healthy spirituality is an essential part of your journey as a person and artist. It shows how it can enrich your life and bring balance
Sale!This topic explores how you can effectively develop the financial admin of your creative business to ensure that you bring in finances more effectively
Sale!This topic explores how you can effectively deal with disappointments from the past. You can apply these disappointments in your creative career and move towards success. Past failures can help you grow strong and more determined.
Sale!This topic explores how you can start to build resilience in your professional career. It deals with getting tough in your approach to reach your dreams and become a professional artist.
Sale!This topic explores how you can boost your creative career through the SCARF model. If you understand and apply the SCARF model, you will improve your self-awareness
Sale!This topic explores status as motivation. Assess how the social trigger of status affects your emotional response and learn to manage this response in an empowering way.
Sale!This topic explores fairness as motivation. Find out how fairness affects your emotional response and manage this response in an empowering way.
Sale!This topic explores certainty as motivation. Assess how the social trigger of certainty affects your emotional response and manage this response in an empowering way.
Sale!This topic explores autonomy as motivation. Assessing how the social trigger of being independent affects your emotional response and manage this response in an empowering way.
Sale!This topic defines what a professional Artrepreneur is by exploring how an artist needs to be both the creative voice and the business platform in the marketplace.
Sale!This topic explores what it takes to be a successful Artrepreneur. It explains what an Artrepreneur is and how you can earn a living through your skills as an artist.