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Helping small businesses To Survive and Thrive in uncertain times.

Are you ready to take your business from OK to Awesome?

Bestselling Courses

Free Needs Analysis Tool

Are you missing the hidden gold in your business?

By combining your own choice of learning units, you’ll find endless possibilities to suit your specific development needs to achieve business success and self-fulfillment.

Transform my

Transform my
personal life

Become the
best me entrepreneur

See how
we do it

Modular designed

More than 140 modular learning units to choose from to suite your specific development requirements to achieve business success and personal self-fulfilment. We cover subjects like emotional intelligence, finance, time management and developing and monetizing your unique artistic ability.

Creating win-win partnerships between Funders and Entrepreneurs

Whether you are a funder looking for an exceptional entrepreneur, or an entrepreneur seeking much-needed funding, MyElearning.Education provides a wealth of knowledge and practical resources to help you find a partner – and nurture winning partnerships.

With MyElearning.Education, your business development journey leads to on-going success

Let’s hit the road to success, together. MyElearning.Education will support and encourage you every step of the way. You will acquire new skills, pick up business insights and even master learnings that are aligned with the NQF of South Africa.

You’ll become a more confident entrepreneur, a better skilled businessperson, and a motivated, successful individual.

Services to

Finding funders and funding relations

Statistics indicate that the rate of success for entrepreneurs to become properly funded and develop as growing sustainable business is relatively small.

At MyElearning.Education, we are changing this.

Free Needs Analysis Tool

Drafting documentation for entrepreneurs


Mutual support to entrepreneurs and funders

Introducing entrepreneurs to funders

Services to

Selecting the most promising entrepreneur to fund

Our tailor-made solution gives funders the means and knowledge required to select and finance the most promising entrepreneurial opportunities available.

Free Needs Analysis Tool

Drafting documentation for entrepreneurs


Mutual support to funders and entrepreneurs

How do we do it – Learn more about our unique services

ready to go from
ok to awesome?

Join those who are thriving by following MyElearning.Education’s powerful journey of personal and business development.

How Can We Help?

Need help choosing? Not sure how it works? Simply want to chat? Drop us a message